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Philips D-Line 65 Inch 3840 x 2160 Pixels 4K Ultra HD VA Panel HDMI DisplayPort USB DVI Android Signage Display Key Features 65'' Powered by Android 500 cd/m² Your Price: £ 1558.68 (£ 1870.42 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1783.15 SAVE: £224.47
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Order Code: 8PH65BDL4650D
MPN Code: 65BDL4650D/00
The Philips D-Line is designed to engage your audience and delight customers. Powered by Android 11 for easy software integrations, this versatile display is suitable for impact in any setting.
General Aspect Ratio Brand Built In Speakers Contrast Ratio Dimensions Form HDMI Ports Manufacturer Orientation Resolution Size Type Warranty Weight