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SanDisk 32GB Ultra A1 120MBs MicroSDXC and Adapter Key Features Ideal for Android™ Smartphones and Tablets Capture and store even more hours of Full HD Video Blazing transfer speeds Load apps faster with A1-rated performance SanDisk® Memory ZoneTM App for Easy File Management Compatible with MobileMate® USB 3.0 Reader Your Price: £ 6.66 (£ 7.99 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SDSQUA4032GGN6IA
The SanDisk Ultra® microSD™ UHS-I card gives you the freedom to shoot, save and share more than ever before. With capacities up to 1TB, our SanDisk Ultra microSD card has room for even more hours of Full HD video and delivers transfer speeds of up to 120MB/s to help you move that content fast. Ideal for Android™ smartphones and tablets, the card loads apps faster with A1-rated performance.
General Type Colour Form Capacity Speed Rating Read Speed Includes Adaptor Dimensions Warranty