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Western Digital My Passport 4TB USB-C Grey External Solid State Drive Key Features Blazing fast NVMe technology for simple, quick backup Password enabled 256-bit AES hardware encryption Shock and vibration resistant. Drop resistant up to 6.5ft (1.98m) Simple back up Sleek and compact design Cross Compatible USB 3.2 Gen-2 and USB-C™ (USB-A for older systems) Your Price: £ 307.69 (£ 369.23 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 424.70 SAVE: £117.01
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Order Code: 8WD10331214
Accelerate everything with next-level SSD performance. Save, access and protect your content with My Passport SSD, giving you read speeds of up to 1050MB/s and write speeds of up to 1000MB/s with NVMe™ technology. Now compatible with iPhone 15 Plus/Pro/Max smartphones. Free up space fast and easy.
General Brand Capacity Colour Connection Data Transfer Rate Up to 1050MB/s (Read) / Up to 1000MB/s (Write)
Dimensions Form Manufacturer Portable Or Desktop Type Warranty Weight