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Western Digital My Passport Ultra 5TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive for Mac Key Features Sleek metal design for added durability to take anywhere Password protection with 256-bit AES hardware encryption USB-C™ ready to meet the demands for modern connectivity SuperSpeed USB-C™ to USB-C™ cable (5Gbps) USB-C™ to USB-A adapter Your Price: £ 136.63 (£ 163.96 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 151.51
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Order Code: 8WDBPMV0050BSLWESN
With its metal design and added durability, the My Passport Ultra for Mac portable hard drive is the ideal storage companion to take for your journeys. Mac-ready, enjoy easy access to your important files wherever you are with this high-capacity USB-C™ storage device. Help securely back up your data with the included Acronis® True Image™ for Western Digital software, fortified with robust protection against ransomware threats. As you prepare to go, add an extra level of security with password protection for peace of mind for your journeys.
General Brand Capacity Colour Connection Data Transfer Rate Dimensions Form Manufacturer Portable Or Desktop Power Supply Type Warranty Weight