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APC Back-UPS Standby Offline 0.35 kVA 210W 4 AC Outlets Key Features LED Indicator and Audible Alarms 4 IEC Outlets 3 battery backup and surge protection 1 surge protection only USB /Serial Connectivity and PowerChute Software Telephone Data Line Surge Protection Push Button Circuit Breaker Automatic Diagnostic Testing 2 Year Warranty Your Price: £ 107.00 (£ 128.40 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8APCBK350EI
MPN Code: BK350EI
APC's Back-UPS 350EI, 500EI and 650EI offer guaranteed power protection for computers and other electronics in your home or business. Models provide enough battery backup power so you can work through short length power outages as well as safeguard your equipment from damaging surges and spikes that travel along utility and data lines. Together with a variety of standard features, APC’s Back-UPS 350EI, 500EI and 650EI are perfect choices to protect your productivity from the constant threat of bad power and lost data.
General Type Colour Output Power Capacity Nominal Input Voltage Battery Type Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Environment Support Warranty 2 Year Repair or Replace Warranty
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