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GBC 41664E A4 Organise Gloss Pouch 75 Micron 100Pk Key Features A4 laminating pouch 75 micron A4 plus punched margin for filing High gloss finish Pack size: 100 pouches Your Price: £ 32.74 (£ 39.29 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 79.49 SAVE: £46.75
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Order Code: 33546J, 29096AC
MPN Code: 41664E
Ideal for presentations and archiving in Standard Ring Binders as well as usable for Binding Covers, GBC Organise Laminating Pouches protect a wide range of documents, punched or unpunched. With a gloss finish and high polyethylene content. the pouches perfectly adhere to full colour prints.
A4 plus punched margin,
75 Micron Gloss.
Pack size: 100.