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HP No 308 Tri-Colour Ink Cartridge - 7FP20UE Key Features Standard Capacity Ink Cartridges Cyan, magenta, yellow Page yield - 120 pages Your Price: £ 10.13 (£ 12.16 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 13.13 SAVE: £3
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: HP7FP20UE
MPN Code: 7FP20UE
Your Original HP Ink Cartridge goes a long way with a higher page yield that lets you print more pages than before. Add a redesigned box and you have a modern ink cartridge that builds on legendary HP quality and makes it even better. Updated technology makes quality and reliability the focus of these Original HP Ink Cartridges. Designed with at least 65% recycled plastic content, easily recycle used cartridges for free through the HP Planet Partners Program.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Yield Compatible Or Original Ink Colour Colour Cartridge (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow)