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HP Poly Savi W8220-A Wireless Headset Key Features Binaural Bluetooth headset noise cancelling wideband microphone active noise canceling (ANC) flexible microphone boom up to 13 hours talk time / up to 50 hours standby time one-touch call answer/end connect to multiple devices 180m (590ft) range listen to music and media in premium hi-fi DECT stereo Your Price: £ 284.02 (£ 340.82 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 388.49 SAVE: £104.47
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Order Code: 34285J
Connect in confidence by managing PC, mobile and desk phone calls with ease. The Savi 8220 wireless headset also gives you the freedom of long-range roaming while enjoying the outstanding quality of enterprise-quality DECT audio.
When it’s time to concentrate, active noise cancelling (ANC) tunes out background noise. For greater call privacy, the noise-cancelling microphone filters out loud conversations nearby.
Included in the box:
Savi 8220 headset, Base unit, Micro to USB PC cable, AC charger and pins, Charging cradle & Quick start guide