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Leitz IQ Autofeed 150 Shredder - P4 Key Features 150 sheet autofeed P4 shredder* 6 manual sheet feed 4 x 28mm cross cut 220mm throat width 44 litre pull out bin touch control 30 minute run time also shreds Staples Paper clips & Cards 55dBA noise level auto jam reverse Your Price: £ 302.93 (£ 363.52 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 963.42 SAVE: £660.49
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Order Code: 31668J
MPN Code: 80131000
Fully automatic paper shredder from Leitz with unique clean emptying feature. So intelligent it quietly works on its own, just insert your stack of papers (incl. staples & paper clips), close the lid and get on with your day.
Ideal for office use. Higher security and excellent performance with this anti jam, quiet and long running (30 min) autofeed shredder.
Automatically shred 150 sheets of A4 into security P4 pieces in one go into the generous 44L bin. Simple operation using touch controls.
Conforms to DIN level P-4
* Using 80gsm weight paper