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Legamaster UNITE Whiteboard 60x90 Key Features Size: 60 x 90cm Magnetic surface: Easy to attach notes sketches and photos Smooth writing and dry erase performance flexible mounting & hidden screw fixing This product is made of material from well-managed FSC® -certified forests and other controlled sources (FSC C158462) Your Price: £ 44.61 (£ 53.53 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 67.03 SAVE: £22.42
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 34589J
MPN Code: 7-108143
This sustainable whiteboard is perfect for occasional use in various environments such as offices, classrooms, or industries. You can write on it with dry erase whiteboard markers. The board surface is made of magnetic lacquered steel. It has an aluminium frame with grey plastic corner caps (Pantone 433C), which makes it durable. You can mount it both horizontally or vertically. Additionally.
The board comes with a marker tray (30 cm), mounting set, and mounting instructions included.
Size: 60 x 90cm