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Snopake Bio Multi Punched Pocket Polypropylene A4 55 Micron Green Strip Embossed Top Opening Clear (Pack 25) - 15439 Key Features Made from strong, 100% biodegradable polypropylene Crystal clear pockets with a distinctive green punched reinforcing edge Suitable for use in all types of ringbinders Your Price: £ 3.48 (£ 4.18 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31980SN
MPN Code: 15439
Snopake offers a vast array of ringbinder accessories that are designed to suit virtually any ringbinder. Every one is made from top quality, high strength polypropylene and offers long term protection for your documents or assistance in retrieving those all important papers.
General Type Colour Size Material Holes Opening Thickness Orientation Country of Origin Eco-Aware Environment Support Made from 100% biodegradable polypropylene