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PRAKTICA Luxmedia WP240 Waterproof Camera kit Key Features 20 megapixel CCD sensor 4x optical zoom waterproof 10m IPX8/dust proof IP5X 2.7" LCD Screen 64Mb Flash memory video recording 8GB SD Card bumper case Your Price: £ 87.49 (£ 104.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 100.00 SAVE: £12.51
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Order Code: 26836J
The PRAKTICA WP240 has 20 Megapixels and a 4x Optical protected zoom lens, which is perfect for outdoor use. Whether you need a general purpose home and holiday waterproof camera or a more robust commercial camera the Luxmedia WP240 makes a great choice. Choose from 29 creative modes to suit any situation including portrait, low light and landscape. Dedicated one-touch buttons help accessing menus and shooting modes simpler, making great photos and videos available to everyone.