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Deflecto A3 Snap Frame Floor Standing Sign Holder Display Stand - SFA3SFS Key Features Easy to change your signage using the snap panels Perfect for displaying directions, promotions and or information Ideal for hotels, retail environment, seminars, public / tourist spots, etc Can be used in both landscape and portrait orientations Picked and Packed - Items lovingly stored and dispatched from our UK Warehouse! Your Price: £ 77.66 (£ 93.19 inc. VAT) Currently 4 items left in stock
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 10254DF
The ideal floorstand for displaying a variety of information in a variety of locations. Robust way to show COVID-19 signs, easy to load and secure signs.
General Type Colour Size Material Form Orientation Document Size Material Thickness Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Warranty