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Swordfish Replacement Blade No. 10A Box of 100 Key Features Replacement Swordfish scalpel blades designed for use with Swordfish scalpel No. 3 handle small and straight No. 10A blade ideal for accurate cutting of paper and card non-sterile blades: hobby and technical use only pack of 100 blades Your Price: £ 25.49 (£ 30.59 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 51.00 SAVE: £25.51
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 27184J, 31252SN
MPN Code: 43802
These metal blades are disposable, so you'll always have a fresh and sharp blade when you need one. Simply attach it to your ProScalpel No.3 handle and you're ready to go. The No.10A blade is small and straight, ideal for general purpose cutting of paper and card.
These blades are non-sterile and should never be used in a medical environment.
This pack contains 100 blades.
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