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Trodat Professional 5030 Self Inking Date Stamp 26x4mm Black Ink - 120193 Key Features Trodat Office Products Self-Inking date stamps and Numberers Eases the routine of day-to-day business Numberers are ideal for a variety of users including coding and recording stock levels in shops and warehouses Robust, heavy duty stamps with Integral ink pad Stainless steel construction makes it ideal for repetitive use Your Price: £ 16.49 (£ 19.79 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 29.85 SAVE: £13.36
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11177TD
MPN Code: 120193
The Trodat Professional dater 4.0 5030 is the first choice for any professional user. The 5030 includes a date band with a height of 4mm and a marking area of 26 x 4mm ensuring a clear and crisp imprint. This stamp is produced from a high content of recycled plastic making it environmentally friendly and comes with a black ink pad which can be changed to a choice of coloured replacement ink pads. With its brushed stainless steel exterior, the 5030, presents style and professionalism perfect for any office or work environment.
General Type Stamp Type Form Text Size Ink Colour Date Size Imprint Size