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Trodat Office Printy 4912 Self Inking Word Stamp POSTED 46x18mm Blue/Red Ink - 77303 Key Features Simple, clean and easy to use. A solution for clean hands, unbelievably small and light, precise positioning and environmentally friendly Each stamp prints a 2-colour impression - symbol in blue and wording in red Makes it easier to deal with the large number of documents often circulating in an office environment Comes with built-in red/blue stamp pad with replacement pads available Your Price: £ 8.43 (£ 10.12 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11023TD
MPN Code: 77303
The Trodat Office Printy 4912 featuring POSTEDtext in red with a blue image will make a clear and easy to read impression on your documents. The self-inking stamp doesn't require a separate ink pad so it's compact and easy to store. Lightweight and durable, the Office Printy is good for 1000's of impressions and when it does run out, we have a selection of replacement ink pads to chose from including black, red, blue, green, violet and red/blue. The white body not only looks great, but the stamp is also made from up to 70% of recycled material for a climate neutral product.
General Type Stamp Type Form Ink Colour Eco-Aware Recycled Product