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Durable Telephone Cleaning Wipes Biodegradable Individually Wrapped (Pack 50) - 578502 Key Features 50 individually packed, low-lint wipes, pre-moistened in alcohol free fluid 50 individually wrapped moist cleaning wipes For hygienically cleaning and sanitizing mobile phones, telephones and headsets Perfect for cleaning telephones and mobile phones Alcohol free formula, with a long lasting disinfectant Wipes are pre-saturated in an alcohol-free fluid Your Price: £ 6.04 (£ 7.25 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 12140DR
MPN Code: 578502
Improve workplace hygiene and keep your electronics clean and protected for longer with our anti-static telephone wipes. You can feel good knowing that our surface wipes are 100% recyclable, biodegradable and biocide-free so they won’t accumulate in landfills or harm marine life. The wipes are anti-static treated so won’t damage electronic devices and help to prevent dust attraction. Cloth size: 150 x 120 mm Designed in Germany made in the EU