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Bistro Round Table Light Wood - 6455 Key Features Bistro Table with wipe clean top Elegant chrome frame Requires easy self assembly Your Price: £ 112.84 (£ 135.41 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 340.40 SAVE: £227.56
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Order Code: 12697TK
MPN Code: 6455
The Teknik Beech Effect Bistro Table is an ideal solution for all of your breakout, refectory and bistro area needs. With its robust wipe clean top and polished curved chrome legs, it is a perfect blend for most styles, tastes and interiors. This table is also available in a White colouring, a great match for any environment.
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions Leg Type Manufacturer Material Self Assembly Required Shape Stackable Table Height Type Use Warranty Weight