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Conference Fabric Stackable Chair Black - 1500BLK Key Features Stacks for easy space saving storage Fully assembled Your Price: £ 64.76 (£ 77.71 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 183.20 SAVE: £118.44
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 13236TK
MPN Code: 1500BLK
The Teknik Office Black Fabric Conference Chair is the perfect accompaniment for all reception, waiting areas and conference rooms. It has a padded seat and backrest and stacks for easy space saving storage. They are already fully assembled so they are instantly ready to use. Available from stock in blue and black fabric and with optional fixed armrests.
General Recommended Weight Limit With Arms Weight Warranty Type Banqueting & Conference Chairs
Style Stackable Self Assembly Required Seat Height Brand Recommended Usage Material Manufacturer Leg Type Frame Colour Frame Country of Origin Colour