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Pukka Pad A4 Wirebound Card Cover Notebook Recycled Ruled 110 Pages Green (Pack 3) - RCA4/110-3 Your Price: £ 6.35 (£ 7.62 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 13353PK
MPN Code: RCA4/110-3
Flexible full and flat-folding pad from cover to cover. Punched four holes for simple filing. Perforated for quick and easy removal and true A4 tear-out pages. Standard A4 feint ruling and margin. High quality bright white 80gsm (Evolve Standard) paper. Sidebound. 110 pages per pad. Packed 3.
General Type Size Rulings Binding Grammage Pages Dimensions Eco-Aware Recycled Product Minimum 98% Recycled Material