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Pukka Pad Wirebound Card Cover Reporters Shorthand Notebook Ruled 160 Pages Pastel Blue/Pink/Mint (Pack 3) - 8907-PST Key Features Pastel colours Wirebound 160 pages 80gsm 140mm x 205mm Your Price: £ 4.69 (£ 5.63 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 13647PK
MPN Code: 8907-PST
A fun and colourful addition to your essential stationery, this pack of three Reporter Pads comes from Pukka Pad's Pastel Range. Ideal for making quick notes on the go, the pads are headbound with 160 pages of quality 80gsm paper. Each page is perforated for easy removal.
General Type Cover Colour Size Rulings Binding Grammage Pages Dimensions