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Durable VARICOLOR MIX Letter Trays A4 Stackable Trays with Coloured Grips (Pack 5) - 770427 Key Features COLOUR CODED - Colour-coded in the vibrant VARICOLOR® MIX scheme to add a splash of colour to your workspace and help organisation VERTICAL OR STAGGERED - Trays can be added or removed and stacked vertically or staggered for easy access ECO FRIENDLY - Made with 100% recyclable materials and built in accordance with ISO 14021, a high standard for eco-friendly products MADE IN GERMANY - Built and designed in Germany to the highest standards from premium materials with strict quality control Your Price: £ 24.23 (£ 29.08 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 72.48 SAVE: £48.25
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Order Code: 13838DR
MPN Code: 770427
Stay organised and add a splash of colour to your workspace with this set of modular colour-coded letter trays in the vibrant VARICOLOR® MIX colour scheme. Trays can be added or removed as needed and stacked vertically to maximise space or staggered for easy access. Bring efficiency and style to your workplace. Paper size: A4, C4, Folio and Letter Sizes Dimensions: 336 x 264 x 74 mm (W x H x L) Quantity: 5 Trays Made in Germany and built to last
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions Form Manufacturer Material Open On Paper Size Recycled Packaging Type Warranty Weight