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ValueX Index A4 1-12 Multipunched 120 Micron Polypropylene White 64201 Your Price: £ 1.81 (£ 2.17 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 3.52 SAVE: £1.71
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 13941PK
MPN Code: 64201
Durable, tear and stain-resistant white plastic indexes. Matching paper contents page for easy reference. Contents page has clear Mylar reinforced spine for durability. Suitable for industrial and factory environments as well as the office. Quality 120-micron polypropylene. Europunched spine to suit all file mechanisms. Size: A4. Numbered 1-12.
General Type Colour Size Material Parts Per Set Printed Holes Tabs Grammage/Thickness Orientation Width Contents Page