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Staedtler Lumocolor Whiteboard Marker Chisel Tip 2-5mm Line Blue (Pack 10) - 351B-3 Key Features Fast-drying, low odour Locked tip Stand-up STAEDTLER box PP barrel and cap guarantee long service life Linewidth approx. 2 or 5mm Your Price: £ 9.78 (£ 11.74 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 14666SR
MPN Code: 351B-3
Can be dry-wiped from whiteboards and surfaces like glass and porcelain without leaving a trace. Can be left uncapped for days without drying up (Standard atmosphere according to ISO 554)
General Type Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Writes On Drywipe Boards, Glass Boards, Porcelain & Flipcharts
Airplane Safe