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Leitz Plus Letter Tray with Drawer A4/Foolscap Portrait Black 52100095 Key Features Ensures confidentiality to important documents Easy-glide drawers with stoppers to prevent the drawer falling out Simple 'slide & click' assembly for a stable and secure stack Flexible desktop solution when used in combination with Leitz Plus letter trays Standard, Slim and Jumbo Supplied with clear label holder including label for easy retrieval of documents Design and print your own label online at Your Price: £ 12.35 (£ 14.82 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 18.69 SAVE: £6.34
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 15478SP
MPN Code: 52100095
A unique filing and storage product which can be part of the Leitz Plus modular letter tray system or used on its own. Design and colour-coordinated with the Leitz Plus desktop filing range.
General Type Colour Material Dimensions Weight Country of Origin