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Caterpack Enviro Birchwood Spoons (Pack 100) - 10569 Key Features Disposable wooden spoons Made from lightweight, natural wood without added coatings Fully compostable and biodegradable Environmentally friendly supporting FSC sources Ideal for use on the go Suitable for the food sectors (wholesale, retailers, food services, etc.) Your Price: £ 2.51 (£ 3.01 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 6.84 SAVE: £4.33
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 15490RY
MPN Code: 10569
Environmentally friendly disposable cutlery. Fully compostable and biodegradable in just 90 days unlike the alternative plastic cutlery which takes decades to decompose. Entirely natural with no added coatings, stains or dyes.
General Brand Eco-Aware Environment Support Form Manufacturer Material Type Use