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Energizer Metal Torch 3 x LED 3 x AAA Batteries - E300686000 Key Features Strong robust metal casing is virtually unbreakable. Reliable Nichia LEDs practically never need replacing for longer lasting power. Textured surface for firm grip. 35 lumens with 8 hours run time using Ultra+ alkaline batteries. 42m beam distance. Batteries not included Your Price: £ 6.20 (£ 7.44 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 55315EN
MPN Code: E300686000
The Energizer® Value Metal 3AAA torch provides the light output of many larger torches in a compact size. It fits comfortably in your hand and has an attached wrist lanyard. In addition, the bright, long-lasting light and durability make it an economical personal lighting solution.
General Type Colour Batteries Light Source Power Run Time