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Swordfish 1600XCD Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 16 sheet capacity * 4 x 39mm cross cut 222mm throat width 1.5-2.4m/min speed 29 litre bin auto start/stop control shreds credit cards/CD/DVDs 57-66dB 60 minutes continuous shredding Your Price: £ 234.99 (£ 281.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 565.95 SAVE: £330.96
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Order Code: 25655J
MPN Code: 40244
The minimalist design of the new 1600XCD shredder will compliment any modern office, and it’s huge appetite will meet the demands of the busiest department.
Most shredders need to cool down after an intensive shredding session, but not this one. Advanced cooling means that this shredder can work continuously. Best of all, it does so quietly!
Conforms to DIN level P-4 & O-3
* Using 70gsm paper
Swordfish 1600XCD Cross Cut Shredder brochure