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Magic Whiteboard Sheets A4 White 20 Sheets - A4MAGICWHITEBOARD001 Key Features 20 Plain White Magic Whiteboard A4 sheets Clings using static to any hard flat surface Handy size for leaving messages and reminders Write on with any whiteboard marker Leaves no marks on surfaces Paper clings to Magic Whiteboard using static Reusable Your Price: £ 5.86 (£ 7.03 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 16101MW
Dragons' Den Winners - A4 Magic Whiteboard allows you to create a whiteboard from a roll, anywhere in seconds. Clings using static to any flat surface including painted walls, windows and doors. Leaves no marks (no adhesive). Write on with any whiteboard markers, wipe clean and reuse. Perfect for reminders, leaving messages, to do lists, revision and labelling.
General Type Colour Size Form Adhesive Type Dimensions