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AF Cardclene Impregnated Card Reader Cleaning Cards (Pack 20) CCP020 Key Features 20 individual magnetic head cleaning cards Key Points: Easy to use, Convenient maintenance, Can be used on card entry and swipe readers, Helps to improve breakdowns, Sachet packed Suitable for: Chip and pin terminals, Hospitality, Swipe door, Parking meters, Ticketing. Your Price: £ 14.78 (£ 17.74 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: AFCCP020
MPN Code: CCP020
Card reader maintenance has never been easier. AF Cardclene is a pack of 20 cards impregnated with IPA solution for cleaning chip and pin terminals regularly to improve the sustainability of the equipment. Removes daily build up of grease and dust easily. Breakdown costs can be costly so cleaning maintenance is crucial.