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AF Foamclene Anti-Static Foaming Cleaner 300ml FCL300 Key Features Powerful 300ml aerosol foam surface cleaner Key Points: Anti static, Pleasant fragrance, Fast acting. Flammable. hfc 134a free Suitable for: Office and home workstation surfaces (Test first) Your Price: £ 2.99 (£ 3.59 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: AFFCL300
MPN Code: FCL300
Foamclene is an anti-static multi-surface foam cleaner. A powerful formulation that lifts grease and dirt from general external surfaces to leave a fresh result. Spray directly onto surface and remove with an AF cleaning cloth for best results. Do not use on any type of screen including TFT, LCD, Smart TV’s or screen filters. This product is not suitable for polished wood. Avoid electrical contacts
General Type Form Bottle Size Anti-static