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AF Labelclene Paper Label Remover Pump Spray 200ml LCL200 Key Features 200ml paper label remover aerosol with brush applicator Leaves no residue, Pleasant fragrance, Fast results. Suitable for: Wood, Metal, Glass, Most Plastics. (Test First) Your Price: £ 5.94 (£ 7.13 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: AFLCL200
MPN Code: LCL200
There is an easy solution to remove paper labels from surfaces! An effective solution to remove paper labels from wood, metal glass and most plastics (test first). Available in a can with brush applicator as well as a handy pen. Simply spray sufficient liquid onto surface of label to saturate it and leave for 4-5 minutes before peeling off label and wipe surface dry. Repeat application if required. Test small area before use on sensitive plastics