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Dymo 16959 D1 12mm x 5.5m Black on White Polyester labels Key Features Black on white 12mm x 5.5mm permanent polyester tape compatible with LabelManager label printers Your Price: £ 16.00 (£ 19.20 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 28.63 SAVE: £12.63
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 16885J
MPN Code: S0718060
Created specifically for your MobileLabeler™, LabelManager™ and LabelWriter™ Duo label makers, DYMO D1 labels offer the performance and variety you need for most labelling jobs.
They adhere to most clean, flat surfaces – including plastic, paper, metal, wood and glass – and feature easy-peel backing for trouble-free application. Versatile, durable and available in a wide variety of widths and colours, D1 labels take the hassle out of home and office organization.
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