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L OR Forza Coffee Capsule (Pack 40) - 4028489 Key Features A fiery espresso with a well-constructed complexity of oak and liquorice Illuminated by amber tints that dance upon a delicate crema layer Intensity: 9 Your Price: £ 15.73 (£ 18.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 19.95 SAVE: £4.22
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 17322JD
MPN Code: 4028489
Every cup of L’OR coffee provides a pure coffee pleasure. Let yourself be captivated by the intense aroma. Discover a balance of its smooth and rich flavours. Discover the L'OR gold coffee standard. Take part in our recycling scheme. L’OR Espresso capsules are made from aluminium to provide you with the best espresso. Aluminium is known to effectively preserve the aroma and the flavours of the coffee and now enables you to enjoy the intense taste of a L’OR espresso for a unique experience.
General Type Drink Type Pack Type Coffee Type