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Nobo 1901954 Portable Desktop Projection Screen 1040 x 750mm Key Features Desktop projection screen 1250mm diagonal viewing area 4:3 widescreen format horizontal double 'X' mechanism 1040 x 750mm (WxH) viewing area Your Price: £ 297.95 (£ 357.54 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 771.98 SAVE: £474.03
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 - 5 Days, Dispatched direct from manufacturer
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 16098J, 25792AC
MPN Code: 1901954
This almost magical carry case turns into a full-sized projection screen in less than 5 seconds. The lightweight aluminium design is ideal for the travelling presenter or for use in meeting rooms where a screen cannot be attached to the wall.
To set-up: swivel the feet of the integrated case to the front, release the catches and open case and then simply pull the screen up to the desired height. The pressurised air system behind screen gives it maximum stability and requires no fastening.
To put away: simply push back down the screen into the integral robust carry case.
Nobo 1901954 Portable Desktop Projection Screen 1040 x 750mm brochure