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Fractal Design Meshify C BKO ATX Midi Tower Tempered Glass PC Case Key Features Streamlined high-airflow design The performance and capacity of a larger tower in a remarkably compact mid-tower size Newly designed angular mesh front panel maximizes air intake Distinctive new styling with stealthy black-on-black aesthetic Flexible storage options with room for up to 5 drives Sturdy steel drive trays with vibration-dampening rubber grommets cushion hard drives for smooth, quiet and reliable operation Two preinstalled Fractal Design Dynamic X2 GP-12 120 mm fans deliver optimum airflow with minimal noise Open interior layout creates an unobstructed airflow path from front intake to rear exhaust Easy-to-clean filters on the front, top and base with full PSU coverage and convenient front access Full length power supply shroud conceals drive cage and excess cabling for unrestricted airflow and a clean looking interior Up to 35 mm of space behind motherboard plate with grommetted pass-throughs for clean cable routing Your Price: £ 72.94 (£ 87.53 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8FR10186578
Meshify strikes an aggressive pose in the Fractal Design lineup with unparalleled cooling performance and a defiant new look. Like black diamond facets, the angular asymmetry of the Meshify C carves a space uniquely its own as a new force in high-airflow design. A compact yet spacious open ATX layout creates an unrestricted airflow path from front intakes directly through key components to exhaust, ensuring heat is never an issue When performance is top priority and compromise is not an option, Meshify has you covered in style.
General Front Fan 3 x 120mm or 2 x 140mm, 2 x Dynamic X2 GP-12 included
Weight Warranty Type Top Fan Screen Size Rear Fan 1 x 120mm (1 x Dynamic X2 GP-12 included)
Motherboard Compatability Manufacturer 5.25in drive mounts Expansion Slots Dimensions (WxDxH) Dedicated 2.5in drive capacity Combined 3.5/2.5in drive capacity Colour Brand Bottom Fan