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Surf All Paper Padded Mailing Envelopes Size C(0) 100% Recyclable Internal Size 150mm x 207.5mm White (Box 200) - HONEYC0 Key Features 100% Paper 100% Recyclable Same level of protection as traditional bubble-lined envelopes Your Price: £ 40.83 (£ 49.00 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 112.52 SAVE: £71.69
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Order Code: 21125HZ
Reduce your plastic use by switching to Surf all paper mailers. With a protective lining made of corrugated paper, they're just as strong as bubble mailers but better for the planet. They're 100% recyclable and can be popped into household recycling bins with no need to separate any materials. Padded Surf envelopes are perfect for protecting products in the post!
General Brand Closure Colour Internal Size Liner Material Manufacturer Material Opening Size Type