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Rocada Natural Drywipe Board 750x1150mm Oak - NAT6420 Key Features Multifunctional wall slate with a balance between the magnetic surface and its wood finishes Magnetic fixings allow easy fitting in horizontal or vertical position Fully compatible with dry erase markers - supplied with 1 pen Size: 75 x115cm A board that will give a more modern, warmer and more natural touch to your office Easy installation using the unique Rocada magnetic fixings Supplied with magnetic tray for pens and accessories and dry erase pen Your Price: £ 201.00 (£ 241.20 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 622.72 SAVE: £421.72
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 21349RC
MPN Code: NAT6420
NATURAL Range from Rocada is inspired by nature. Years of experience offer simplicity and balanced design to reflect our roots. Whiteboard 75 x 115cm from Natural range. Beautiful wooden finish background with magnetic surface for use with dry erase markers and magnetic accessories. Offers a modern, warm and more natural touch to your environment.
General Board Surface Board Type Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions (WxDxH) Fixing Frame Frame Colour Manufacturer Size Type Warranty Weight