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Rocada Visualline Multifunctional Trolley Grey/Beech - 4035 Key Features Strong metal frame in painted steel 2 side panels for added security and privacy Melamine shelves finished in beech with high impact edges High performance wheels with brake system Your Price: £ 215.44 (£ 258.53 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 674.08 SAVE: £458.64
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Order Code: 21482RC
MPN Code: 4035
Multifunctional trolley suitable for storage, catering, audio-visual presentations and workspaces. Strong metal frame construction and side panels to back and left side to keep contents safe. Two shelves and top surface in beech. Four strong castors for easy of movement and easy to assemble.
General Brake System Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions (WxDxH) Manufacturer Material Style Type Warranty Weight Wheel Type