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Paper Mate 2187702 Kilometrico Recycled Blue Ball Pen pack of 50 pens Key Features Pack of 50 blue ink ballpoint pens medium tip size made from 80% recycled plastics round barrel for comfort 1000m+ writing length Ink colour indicators on matching cap and nose cone plastic-free packaging Your Price: £ 7.46 (£ 8.95 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 20.05 SAVE: £12.59
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Order Code: 33889J
MPN Code: 2187702
The Paper Mate Kilometrico Recycled pens are made from 80% recycled material and provide bright, vivid lines. It features a colour-coded cap, a rounded barrel for comfort, 1000m+ writing length and comes in plastic-free packaging.
Medium nib, Blue Ink, a box of 50 Pens