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ValueX Combo Mop Bucket With Wringer 13 Litre With Heavy Duty Castors Blue - 0907004 Key Features Portability – strong carry handle Centrally located bucket handle – easy for emptying Safety - sturdy legs with 75mm heavy duty castors Colour-coded to reduce cross-contamination Lipped edge for added strength Your Price: £ 62.13 (£ 74.56 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 190.60 SAVE: £128.47
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Order Code: 22707CP
MPN Code: 0907004
This blue combo bucket is made from strong, durable and hard-wearing plastic. It is easy to clean and has wheels to allow for easy portability. Its colour coding prevents cross contamination and the spread of bacteria. They provide a robust and durable mopping solution and are fitted with sturdy legs, fitted with 75mm heavy duty castors to help stability.
General Brand Castors Colour Colour System Form Material Size Type Wringer