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Exel Alloy Mop Handle 54 Inch/137cm Colour Coded Red - 0908018 Key Features Easy fitting process Lightweight Colour-coded to reduce cross-contamination Alloy manufacture for durability The Exel mop system can be used on any hard floor surface Your Price: £ 7.46 (£ 8.95 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 22.92 SAVE: £15.46
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Order Code: 22840CP
MPN Code: 0908018
The Exel Handle is part of the Exel Mopping System and its alloy manufacture provides a strong and robust handle to withstand heavy and daily usage. This handle provides an easy push fitting and fits with both the 200g and 250g Exel Socket Mop range.
General Brand Colour Colour System Form Manufacturer Material Size Type