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Swordfish 2400XCD Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 24 sheet capacity* 4 x 35mm cross cut 220mm throat width 1.5 - 2.0m/min speed 30 litre pull-out bin auto reverse on jamming auto stop when bin is full 62dB 30 minutes continuous shredding shreds 1 A4 sheet into 446 pieces Your Price: £ 360.05 (£ 432.06 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 897.75 SAVE: £537.7
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Order Code: 30727J
MPN Code: 40366
The Swordfish 2400XCD is a high capacity shredder with a massive appetite provides the ideal solution for high-security shredding in a demanding office environment. It will shred up to 24 sheets of 80gsm paper in each pass allowing you to shred 6000 sheets in an hour and it’s generous 30-litre bin has the capacity to hold 610 shredded sheets of A4 paper.
This versatile machine is equipped with intelligent features such as a ‘bin full’ alarm and an auto-reverse function. The Swordfish 2400XCD is quiet, powerful and very sophisticated. Everything that the office needs!
Conforms to security level P-4 / E-3 & O-3
* Using 80gsm weight paper
Swordfish 2400XCD Cross Cut Shredder brochure