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CEP Riviera by Cep 4 Drawer Desktop Unit Assorted Colours - 1003940511 Key Features Anti-skid and anti-scratch rubber feet Recyclable shock resistant polypropylene Your Price: £ 29.55 (£ 35.46 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 99.36 SAVE: £69.81
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Order Code: 24317CE
MPN Code: 1003940511
Elegant 4-drawer filing modules characterised by its asymmetrical shape. Multicoloured removable drawers allow you to arrange them as you wish to file your documents. They can hold up to 450 sheets each and accept documents up to 24 x 32 cm in size, including elastic folders. Equipped with retaining stop and access slot to facilitate easy withdrawal of documents. Secure stacking option for 2 desktop modules.
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions Manufacturer Material Number Of Drawers Paper Size Recyclable Stackable Type Warranty