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Rocada Visualline Mobile Magnetic Flipchart with 2 Arms 680x1040mm - 616K Key Features Universal fixings for flipchart pad 1 additional telescopic arm included Sturdy plastic base with 5 castors for extra stability, includes brake mechanism Magnetic dry-wipe surface for use with dry wipe pens and magnetic accessories Incorporates tray for pens and accessories Easy to assemble Your Price: £ 142.89 (£ 171.47 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 442.52 SAVE: £299.63
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 24464RC
MPN Code: 616K
Mobile metal flipchart with magnetic surface for use with dry-wipe markers and magnetic accessories. Clamp takes universal flipchart paper pad and incorporates a telescopic arm for increased presentation options. Grey metal frame and plastic base with 5 wheels. Easy to assemble.
General Board Size Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions (WxDxH) Drywipe Surface Extension Arms For Pad Size Height Adjustable Magnetic Manufacturer Type Warranty Weight With Castors