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Rocada Natural Mobile Double Sided Drywipe Board 1000x1500 - NAT8100 Key Features Mobile whiteboard that allows for working on both sides at the same time Magnetic whiteboard surface allows for use with dry erase markers and magnetic accessories Wheels with brake system Frame manufactured from offers support and contrast to wooden board design Your Price: £ 435.91 (£ 523.09 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1351.60 SAVE: £915.69
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 24548RC
MPN Code: NAT8100
NATURAL Range from Rocada is inspired by nature. Years of experience offer simplicity and balanced design to reflect our roots. Mobile whiteboard (double sided) from Natural range. Magnetic whiteboard surfaces suitable for use with dry erase markers and magnetic accessories. Ideal collaboration tool and assist in sharing ideas and planning.
General Board Size Board Surface Board Type Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions (WxDxH) Fixing Frame Frame Colour Leg Colour Manufacturer Size Type Warranty Weight