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Pukka Pads Pressboard Pad A4 Wirebound Sidebound 120 Pages Feint Ruled Paper Black (Pack 10) - 7277-PRS Your Price: £ 26.25 (£ 31.50 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 75.84 SAVE: £49.59
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Order Code: 26830PK
MPN Code: 7277-PRS
The Pukka Pad Pressboard range is an essential collection for students, working professionals and businesses. The A4 side wire-bound pads ?are essential for students and working professionals to take notes on. The A4 notepads are sold in a pack of 10. Each individual notepad has 120 pages of 80 GSM feint ruled paper which is side wire-bound, allowing you to lie the pad flat whilst notetaking. The notepads are A4 in size measuring 21cm x 29.7cm, ideal for all types of note-taking.
General Binding Brand Cover Colour Cover Material Grammage Manufacturer Pages Rulings Size Type