Proven time and time again to represent great value to business owners, looking for the most effective way to communicate and advertise to potential customers
Manufactured in silver anodised aluminium
Galvanised steel back panels
Front anti-glare covers
Your Price: £88.30(£105.96 inc. VAT)
RRP: £270.24SAVE: £181.94
50 Items currently available ready for next day delivery
This maximum impact, double sided A1 Snap Frame Pavement Sign Holder is ideal for outdoor or indoor use. Signage is simply and easily changed via the snap frame border. The sign holders are traditionally positioned on the pavement outside a business premises such as, a hairdresser's, a restaurant or bar; a chain of retail stores or coffee shops. They can also form a critical part of a business strategy to communicate important messages and promotions to customers.
There are five key reasons why pavement signs are so important to business owners: Increase footfall or walk in traffic to a business property: Increase product awareness: Increase brand awareness : Deliver information on significant deals, offers or incentives: Increase in store sales.