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Silvine Luxpad Recycled Twin Wire Hardback Notebook A4 140 Page Punched 4 Holes Ruled 100% Recycled Paper Black (Pack 5) - THBPINA4RE Your Price: £ 22.49 (£ 26.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 67.56 SAVE: £45.07
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Order Code: 27908SC
Luxpad by Silvine - a jam packed fashionable yet functional stationery range by Silvine. A full range of products from revision resources to notebooks, all British made right here in sunny* Yorkshire. Luxpad is a high quality paper stationery range that boasts style and fashionability for the modern stationery user. So whether you're a student, professional or a secret stationery addict, you'll love Luxpad.