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Alba 1Kg Weighted Door Wedge Steel/Elastomer 105 x 52 x 105mm Black - DOORSTOP BK Key Features Lock your doors in the open position with our easy-to-handle 1 kg door block The integrated elastomer provides impact resistance, limiting the impact against walls Rubber coating and ballasted weight, the door block provides a non-slip grip, guaranteeing optimum stability Compatible with all door types and coverings, it can be adapted to suit all your office spaces Opt for elegance with our black edition, offering a discreet design that blends harmoniously with any décor This product is environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable Your Price: £ 7.94 (£ 9.53 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 26.04 SAVE: £18.1
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 29455AL
The DOORSTOP door block combines practicality and design! It's the ultimate choice for simply locking all your doors open. Easy to use, it prevents banging against walls thanks to its built-in elastomer. Its rubber coating and ballasted weight guarantee a perfect grip, providing non-slip stability. Versatile, it fits all types of doors and coverings.
General Brand Colour Dimensions Form Manufacturer Material Type Weight